With a background in biology, Stijn Valentijn, as a multidisciplinary artist, engages with life forms ranging from the microscopic scale to the bigger picture, found in the psychological needs to myths and beliefs. The work finds its basis in the processes of nature, entangled with our current time. Nature already holds many answers to contemporary discussions, if we are willing to learn, look and listen.
With his art he is exploring the link between intuition and association through an universal visual language relating to biology and geometric concepts. With line and vibrant color Valentijn creates a new world in which all is welcome, every day is an adventure exploring new parts of this world.
As a biology graduate, I approach the creating process as an extension of the evolutionary process. Working intuitively, I work like nature, a process in the moment, a product of its time. I fantasize about what could have been or what may come, what is under our noses without us seeing it? Hidden in lightness and colour are critical questions about shared origins, the state of nature and the fluidity of our being.

Stijn Valentijn (He/Him)
14/02/1997 Groningen, NL
​2019-2023 Bachelor in Biologie/Life Science & Technology, RUG
2020-2024 Bachelor in Fine Art, Academy Minerva, Cum Laude
Nominations and Awards
​2024 – Nominatie Bunning Brongers Prijs
2023 – 2nd place, RedBull Doodle art challenge, Rotterdam
De Wadmeester, Galerie Gewaagd, Hoornhuizen ​​
'Open Atelier', het Paleis, Groningen (NL)
'Veelbelovend', Kunstgarage Franx, Zoetemeer (NL)
'Graduation show 2024', Kunstpunt, Groningen (NL)
'Popup Art Cafe', De Nieuwe Editie, Groningen (NL)
'A 4 year retrospect', Minerva, Groningen (NL) (solo)
'Open Studio', Groningen (NL)
'Grafiek Biënnale 40x40', H47 Kunstruimte, Leeuwarden (NL)
'Grafiek expositie UMCG', UMCG, Groningen (NL)
'2ndFloor X Markt van het Noorden', Paradigm, Groningen (NL)
'Xordium', TOKO, Groningen (NL)
'RedBull Doodle art challenge', Rotterdam (NL)
'Hypebeast X UNI Gallery', Singapore (SGP)
'Kunst is mijn natuur', Meerstad, Groningen (NL)
'YesweCan', Rollingvinylstore, Arnhem (NL)
'Oog voor het (on)zichtbare', Klassieke academie, RUG,
Groninger Museum, Groningen (NL)
Press and publications
​2024 – BK magazine, Examens 2024
2023 – OogTV Radio, Muurschildering Beatrix kinderziekenhuis
2020 – Dagblad van het Noorden, Kunst is mijn Natuur
​Work included in several private collections in Los Angeles, New York, Toledo, Lyon, Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Tokyo, Hanover, Groningen, The Hague